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Learn & Perform Competition

in conjunction with Belfield Music

What can YOU learn in just one month.. if you REALLY put your mind to it?! 

It's a free competition, exclusive to Octave8 Students. Here's what you need to do to enter.


What can YOU learn in just one month.. if you REALLY put your mind to it?! 

It's a free competition, exclusive to Octave8 Students. Here's what you need to do to enter.


1. Practice a NEW piece. Practice hard. This new song, score or exercise MUST be new THIS term, your teacher will need to confirm it is new to you. The level of the song is not important, what IS important is your commitment to practice and final performance. 


2. When you are ready and you feel you know it really well it's time to record! Using your phone or similar smart device record yourself performing the song. 3. When you are done, head to YouTube and log in using your Google account and 'upload' your video. Please ensure your video is set to UNLISTED and comments DISABLED. 

3. Your parent (if under 18) must send the link to 

Be sure to include the following information in your email:

  • The link to your video

  • Student name and age

  • Your teacher's name (for piece verification)

  • Type the following in the body of your email 'I give permission to allow social media sharing of this video of my child performing their musical piece online.' 

When the closing date has passed we will be assessing all entries and a choose a winner. We will email the the winner, feature their video on our website as well as all participant videos on this website as well as Facebook and Instagram. 

The Rules

1. Any student currently a member of Octave8 Music Academy may enter.

2. All entries must be sent to the above email address by the parent (or student if over 18). No entries can be received from teachers. 

3. The video link MUST be audible and easily viewable - we need to see it is YOU performing. No editing permitted.

4. You must include a short verbal introduction as follows:   "Hi, my name is *** and I am performing the piece : *** written by ***. The reason I like this piece is...***" followed by your performance.

5. Video may be uploaded to Youtube UNLISTED (but can be PUBLIC) and the link is sent to us as noted above by the closing date. 

6. Students may only submit ONE entry per term.

7. There is no cost to enter.

8. Some examples of situations that may lead to disqualification:

  • Any performance of an 'old', 'already known' musical piece will not be reviewed by our panel.

  • Pretending to play a piece of music for the video and syncing it to the movement of your hands, lips or feet!

  • Failure to include the introduction noted in point 4.

  • Any student that enters who is not currently a member of the academy.

  • Any entry received from a teacher.


   9. Instruments you may use for performance include Piano, Digital Keyboard, Drum Kit, Guitar (acoustic or electric), Ukulele or Vocals. Vocalists and Drummers may use a backing track.

10. No band/ensemble entries allowed - this competition is to promote solo performance only. 

11. The winner will receive a certificate to the value of $100 AUD that is redeemable at Belfield Music only. Runners up will be showcased on our website and social media profiles publicly.

12. The judges' decision is final and no negotiations or correspondence with entrants will be entered into. 

See All Our Previous Entrants

Thank you to all our entrants. Check out everyone's pieces here. If you didn't win, don't worry, we really value your efforts. Keep practising and don't forget you can enter next term!

Thank you to all our entrants. Check out everyone's pieces here.
Keep practising and aim high!

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