Proudly offering examination preparation for all AMEB, Trinity & RockSchool contemporary grades!
What's all the buzz about?
Embark on a musical journey like never before with Octave8 Music Academy, Sydney's unrivaled haven for contemporary music education! Elevate your skills and passion for music, whether you're starting from scratch or aiming for virtuosity. Our music director is a distinguished educator with many years experience in studio teaching, primary & high school, TAFE and University teaching. He is also a multi-award winning composer having worked with Universal Music in Australia, the UK and the US as well as BMG and Warner Chappell. Our distinguished team of teachers comprises top-tier practitioners from the music industry, providing you with unparalleled coaching tailored to your chosen instrument. We have hundreds of students just like you, ranging in ages from 4 up to 75. Each student has the opportunity to learn in a style that is suitable for them, we don't dictate a particular book or way to understand music theory every tool we use is based on the individual learner.
Unleash your creativity, discover your rhythm, and make your musical dreams come true at Octave8 – where music comes alive.
Octave8 Music Academy on ABC Breakfast
We'll Showcase Your
Imagine your child performing for friends and family on a professional stage with a public audience?! Our Showcase events are always the highlight of both students and teachers. These concerts are a great motivator for home practice and at every Showcase your child with receive a performer's medal.
We'll coach you to acheive a world class music qualification
Grade examinations are a well established platform to document student ability in an instrument. Generally the coaching to their first exam takes around 1-2 years, beyond that point students may sit an AMEB, Trinity College, Rock School or Trinity Rock & Pop grades with Octave8 Music Academy.